Sunday, September 24, 2017

America's Not So American League?

Over the past week, America's favorite teams in the National Football League, unified to protest again President Trump and kneeling during the National Anthem. While athlete Colin Kaepernick took a stand against police brutality and race inequality nearly a year ago, several of the NFL teams, along with teams outside the sport, are now participating in act of solidarity. President Trump's recent reaction to the players stormed up negative reactions toward the league as he and many others believe it is un-American and disrespectful to kneel during the National Anthem. Well Mr. President, why is okay for you to practice your First Amendment right, while these players remain silent?

Nearly 70 percent of the NFL is comprised of Black players while making over $10 billion in revenue each year with all 32 teams. NFL players are not only athletes, they are role models and leaders to much of the youth in this country, and while they are not obligated to take stance on social issues, they can make an impact and a difference. Many minorities in this country face social injustices on a daily basis and the support that the players are giving Kaepernick and minority communities across the world is amazing, noble, and legendary. These players should not be retaliated on from the United States Government nor the NFL, their jobs should be secure, and they should continue to make a difference and take a stand. Kneeling during the National Anthem is a nonverbal, nonviolent protest that practices the First Amendment right of the players.  For those individuals who believe that this is disrespectful and un-American, is it not just as contradictory and un-American to evoke someone of this right? Furthermore, if we can only expect players to be simple puns for our viewing pleasure, maybe we shouldn't glamorize them in media and put forth billions of dollars into our favorite teams.

It is heartwarming to see these teams all over the country and world unify, and I hope they implement change.

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